Friday, June 15, 2012

More From Sunday

"The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses." -- Hanna Rion

Most definitely. Being outside is a wonderful way to relieve stress and to feel grounded. Here are some more pictures from Sunday... it was delightful :) Excited that this weekend is going to be warm! Grow garden grow!

Top three

  • Plants in pots needing to be transplanted 
  • Beautiful calla lilly - they remind me of the family beach house (think these came from there actually)
  • Happy Cheese Puff, sunning himself
Middle three
  • First rose bouquet of the season
  • Used my grandfather's hoe to organize the rows of corn -- you were with us Papa!
  • Pretty clouds, looked like ocean waves
Bottom two
  • My gardening supervisors: Mrs. Peacock & Cheese Puff
  • Sleeping Beauty under the roses
Happy Friday!!!

1 comment:

Olivia Palermo's Style said...

I hope you guys get enough time to spend with your boyfriend's mother XO