"Gardening is about enjoying the smell of things growing in soil, getting dirty without feeling guilty, and generally taking the time to soak up a little peace and serenity." -- Lindley Karstens
Oh I am embarrassed! I am so behind in documenting my lovely garden but since the weekend of the 23rd & 24th, life has been going nonstop. I went to Spokane with Brian that weekend to see his mom (unfortunately she has declined greatly in two weeks) and the last two weeks of June were spent doing na in-person, two week condense course. The week after the trip was absolutely crazy because I didn't have the weekend for homework and a lot was going on. My cat had a serious health issue that had to be taken care of and go figure, I didn't sleep much or well much of the week. Needless to say, posting took the very last back burner.
On the plus side I can say this:
My cat is okay -- FINALLY (been several weeks of not having her healthy)
The trip was good and it was very important that I went with B
I survived a very hectic week on little energy
I can breathe easier now, yippie!
Alrighty.... on to what this post is really about. ;-) Here is what my garden looked like on 24th:
Check out that lettuce! |
Four happy zucchini plants -- there are two others in a different area of our yard that are growing well. We did lose one or two -- probably a good thing actually! We're going to need to start a Farmer's Market stand if all these plants are good producers! haha |
So there ya go, Week 3! Stay tuned for what I saw this Sunday -- Week 4!