Saturday, July 31, 2010
If You Reconsider More Than Twice
Farmers Market on Saturday
This morning Mom and I went to the Farmers Market in town. The market is located in the heart suburb-- by the library and city park. There were rows and rows of tents where people sold jewelry, pictures (there were some amazing photographers), cards, crafts, and fresh produce. There were also multiple food vendors-- popcorn, Middle Eastern food, bratwursts, and many other foods. The air was full of a variety of scents! A good band also played throughout the morning.
I really enjoyed spending time down at the market-- love the culture of it all. I also think it is important to support the local farms. Surviving on a farm these days has to be pretty challenging, especially when our society consumes so much processed/manufactured food products (along with everything else). Farm life has never been easy but with the high cost of living in these days, it has got to be hard. Plus, owning a farm isn't a typical job anymore. As a matter of fact, farming only accounts for ~2.6% of the work force today-- as compared to the ~90% it was in the 17th and 18th centuries (Farming Information).
Besides my little ramble there... What I loved the most about the produce stands was that the vegetables and fruits were organic (believe that most or all food stands were). I liked this particular food stand:
We also indulged a little with the food vendors… Oh man, there is the best food at our local market! We got a little serving of gelato, which was delightful. I had mint chip and chocolate chip. Mmmm.. That calmed my craving for sure. In the book Eat, Pray, Love the author goes to Italy and talks about all of the gelato she eats. Since I’ve read that part of the book I’ve been thinking about it! So good!
Later on, we stopped at another vendor called Zest Crepes (their website). They were serving a variety of crepes. Let me tell you, that was tasty! I had a crepe called Sweet Italy. My crepe had raspberries, mascarpone cheese, a squeeze of orange, and a little zest. Mmmm mmmm… I hope Zest is able to open up a restaurant in town someday.
Overall, it was a wonderful day. I hope to return again sometime before the season is over. Nothing like living local!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Summer's Sweetness
One of my favorite parts of summer is picking beautiful flowers from the yard. It is so fun to have bouquets all summer long. My two favorites are the Double Delight roses and the Sweet Peas. Both have such wonderful sweet smells.
Enjoy the pictures... Close your eyes and pretend to inhale.. mmmm

(Sweet Peas- love the variety of colors)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Unexpected Blessing
“...Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for Him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern." (Matt.6:32-34)
I can't tell you how blessed I feel right now!
So here's the story... Mom and I went card shopping for Granny's birthday on Sunday (25th) at Hallmark's. When we were making the purchase, we had a little conversation with the associate manager, who was doing the transaction. At one point, I made a comment about, "It must be so fun to work in here!" Then the manager said, "You should bring in your resume." I was kind of confused and asked her, "....You're hiring?" I was so surprised! With the economy the way it is, jobs are not plentiful so I was shocked to be asked that question. I also want to mention: I did not look overly appealing that day. My hair was in a ponytail and I had sunscreen on so my face looked greasy. Plus, I was sweating... so yes, I was really surprised about the resume question!
On Monday morning I brought in my resume to Hallmark's (manager told me to be prepared to interview with her as well). The interview was very casual and I enjoyed getting to know the manager. I learned that the store is run by 7 women, ranging from ages 18 to 75, and they wear many “hats” on the job: they change the light bulbs, clean the bathroom, stock the shelves, greet customers etc... They do it all! I thought that was pretty neat. I think I can fit into that atmosphere. After all, teachers are masters at wearing different hats.
Anyhow, yesterday afternoon the manager called me and said the store manager would be in on Tuesday (today). She wanted me to meet with the SM so that they could make a decision about hiring me. Today I met with both ladies and had a conversation with them; not really an interview in my opinion. When I left the store I was talking to the assoc. manager about how the whole subject of me getting a job there occurred. Within that little talk I learned that lots of people stop by and ask if they're hiring. And yet, I was given a chance. I felt very humbled to learn that.
I received a call about thirty minutes ago from the associate manager saying I got the job! Wow! They said they were impressed with the interview. Another w-o-w. I feel so blessed. Thank You Lord for providing for my needs.
Though this job pays minimum wage it is a consistent job and I can have extra hours during the holiday season when school is out (to make up for no sub days during the breaks). Also, knowing I have this job gives me peace now... I received a fairly sizable bill two days ago and felt very overwhelmed. Now I don’t have to worry. Well, the truth is, I never had to worry in the first place…
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Good Little Things

The little things are most worthwhile
A quiet word, a look, a smile.
A listening ear that's quick to share
Another's thoughts, another's care.
Though sometimes they may seem quite small,
These little things mean most of all.
When I arrived at Granny's house yesterday I took my tote upstairs. I've only been up those stairs a "few" times in the past seven years. However, this decoration caught my eye this time. I read through the lines twice and thought to myself, "Wow, that is so true."
Granny is an excellent example of appreciating others through the little things. She is always so thoughtful and considerate of other people. Whether we’re shopping at the grocery store, walking to or from somewhere, at church or in a parking lot, wherever—she is kind to anyone she meets.
For example, this past Sunday when Mom, Granny and I were at the restaurant we noticed a sling on the hostess’ arm. Granny was concerned about why the hostess was wearing a sling. When we were exiting the restaurant, Granny stopped and asked the hostess about her arm. We learned it was actually for her collarbone, she recently had surgery. I thought it was so caring how Granny made sure to ask that girl about her arm. But that’s Granny; that is how Granny is all of the time.
Another example is from just yesterday when Granny and I were shopping in Hallmark. When we were finished making the card purchases, Granny carried on a little conversation with the salesgirl (who was probably close to my age). We found out that the girl’s birthday was this weekend and she was hoping to head to the beach to celebrate. The girl was fun to talk to; Granny and I both enjoyed the conversation. So often times, it is easy to purchase the item(s) and then leave the store with little acknowledgement to the salesperson. However, Granny makes every transaction personal. It’s not just about getting the items but taking the time to notice the person. That is love through the little things.
I could continue give many examples of Granny’s kindness. While I am convinced that Granny’s love for others is just part of who she is, I know that it is also because she believes in the One who is Love. I hope and pray that my life will be evidence of God’s love, like Granny’s.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I haven't posted for a few days because my mind feels quiet these days. I'm not sure if it's a temporary writing block or just the fact I have had nothing to say. Just feel sort of quiet. That's really the only way to explain my little break.
This past week has been pretty good. Kind of funny summer weather but I'm grateful for the absence of rain. In the mornings we've had a "marine layer" and then around 12-1pm it gives way to a beautiful afternoon. Though it isn't the type of summer I prefer it has been pleasant... But yes, go figure, we put up our Costco pool and then we revert back to Spring weather. I am thankful that we are due for some hot weather this weekend so there should be some good times in the pool. Yay!
Since I can't think of anything in particular to say (though I do have some good blog topics for the future- just not in the mindset to write on them), I'll record the happenings in the past few days...
Sunday 18th: Mom and I sent to visit Granny and take her to church. The church service was all about children/God's children and serving the youth in our communities. After church, we went to the restaurant on the golf course, Rudy's. Yum! Once we were done with lunch we took Granny on a few errands, which was pretty entertaining. :)
Monday 19th: Janelle hosted a birthday party for her husband Drew. I enjoyed visiting with her friends from church and others in her life. We chatted about random things (in the process I consumed multiple cookies) and played board games. Wonderful night!
Wednesday 21st: Nothing too major happened this day or the day before. Though I think it is important to note two things: (1) I did my first picking of the blueberries in my aunt's garden and (2) my first loan payment was officially due-- though already paid several days ago.
Thursday 22nd ~ today: When I got up this morning I immediately started reading the last few chapters of the seventh Harry Potter book. I stayed up late last night reading it but forced myself to not finish the book so I could attempt to get some sleep. Not sure if that was a good choice because I was very restless all night. Anyway, I finished the book today and let me say this: J.K. Rowling is a force to be reckoned with! I thoroughly enjoyed that series and I am sad that my journey with the characters is over. I hope to re-read the series again next year.
After finishing the book I got ready and went up to my aunt's house to help her in the rose garden. I really enjoyed spending time with her and being outside. So nice to just listen to the sounds of nature... the birds chirping, squirrels scampering along the ground, and the rustle of leaves as the wind blows through... all while digging my hands into the soil! :)
Coming up: On Friday (tomorrow) I'm heading down to Salem to meet my dear friend Andrea for lunch and then I'll stay overnight with Granny. So excited to spend time with both of them! I think it'll be nice to get away too- perhaps the time "alone" will rejuvenate my mind.
Friday, July 16, 2010
"You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes." --Winnie the Pooh
In light of some recent events, I feel that is time to write about friendships. I have been refraining from writing on this topic too soon as my cousin recently wrote about it. But, I just can't wait any longer!
I think there is something unique that happens in the summer. Summer is a time of transition. Relationships of all kinds change... Maybe it's the people that change. I honestly don't know. Another speculation I have is that summer is also just a great time for reflection, which is simply what I am doing now.
When I think about it, I am kind of amazed at all of the friendships I have had in my life. Some friendships are still going strong and blossoming with each season. Others have fluttered away like the fall leaves drifting in the wind-- like that, they're gone. And other friendships have ended (or will end) for a reason; because I cut them off or they weren't meant to be. Lots of changes. Lots of learning.
While losing a friend is never an easy process, I have learned that often times it is good in the long-term. In those times I have learned more about myself and what I value in a friendship/relationship. For example, I have no tolerance for those that do not put in any effort into the relationship. I feel that in order for a relationship to be successful, it takes two people putting in the effort and energy. When you put in the effort to something it shows that you care-- it is an active process. Effort keeps the relationship alive.
To this end, that has been one major factor in how I determine whether or not I remove someone from the ties of friendship. Believe me, I work extremely hard in my friendships. They are not something I take lightly-- I do everything I can before deciding to end them. However, as I have learned, sometimes people are just passing through. Not every friendship can be life-long. Regardless of how long a friendship is meant to last I believe they shouldn't be treated as though they are temporary.
While only time can tell whether a friendship is life-long, I feel so blessed for the ones I have in my life now. I am so blessed for my close friends (some of which are family), the ones here and those far away. I feel confident in the fact that I will have these certain friendships for years to come. They all bring so much joy to my life and I have learned so much from them. The future ahead is questionable and unwritten, no telling what will happen. I have no idea who I will meet and what other friendships I will form. For those that I hold dear know this: I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart).... *
*E.E. Cummings
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
My Two Favorite Places

Monday, July 12, 2010
God is Love
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Good Weekend
Friday, July 9, 2010
Good quotes & Update
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Blessings of the Week
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Beach Vacation

I said I would write about my week at the beach (June 27th-July 4th) so here it is : On June 27th, Mom and I picked up Granny and headed off for our girls' week. Due to a big accident on the highway 18, there was a large traffic build-up through Grand Rhonde-- it took us about 45 minutes extra to get to PC. Thankfully, the weather was beautiful and we enjoyed each other's company. We were certainly glad to get to our beach house though!
Monday, July 5, 2010
From Sea to Shining Sea

Independence Day